
• church of santa catalina mártir •

The church of Santa Catalina Mártir is one of the most important icons of the city of Valencia. Visitors to the city make sure they never miss such a great example of Valencia’s beautiful architecture. Let’s talk about the history of the church in order to understand why it is such an unmissable destination in the city.

• the benefits of hot chocolate •

Hot chocolate is one of the favorite drinks of all people, from the smallest to the oldest, they always enjoy a cup with a great flavor and accompanied by the typical churros and fartons. And spend a pleasant time with the company of friends and family.

• valencian buñuelos •

The BUÑUELOS of VALENCIA are usually recognized throughout the national territory as one of the exponents of the gastronomy of the place in times of FALLAS and CHRISTMAS, or local holidays. The reality is that they are a delicious dish that you can taste.